Beal Delivers Buddhist Lecture @ Theosophical Society

Nairobi, Kenya -- The Theosophical Society of Kenya invited SGI Kenya to give a lecture on Nichiren Buddhism and the activities of Soka Gakkai International. Meredith Beal was selected to give the lecture.

The Theosophical Society is a non-sectarian organization formed in 1875 to advance theosophy, the religio-philosophic doctrines concerning or seeking direct knowledge of the “hidden” presumed mysteries of life and nature, particularly of the nature of divinity and the origin and purpose of the universe. The Society is active in about 52 countries. They also study eastern religions. The Society’s stated objectives are:
   1. To form a nucleus of the universal brotherhood of humanity without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste, or color
   2. To encourage the study of comparative religion, philosophy and science
   3. To investigate the unexplained laws of nature and the powers latent in man

Meredith outlined the evolution of human spiritual thought from the spiritual traditions of the ancient Africans along the Nile to the emergence of other practices and religions like the teachings of the Tao, Brahmanism and Hinduism, and then detailed the path of Buddhist teachings from Shakyamuni to Nichiren Daishonin.

A question and answer session followed which turned into an engaging discussion about human social responsibility and the role of religion in serving humankind. The audience included Theosophical Society members, SGI Kenya members and local community residents.
